Strength & Flexibility training for Artists and Athletes.

How to get strong and bendy with me:

  • The Intensive

    Registration opening in March 2024.

    The Intensive is for experienced lifters/benders who are ready for customized progressions and specific work toward their individual goals.

    Not experienced? Join the Mini Classes and Level Up. These are ideal places to start to dip your toes in the world of weightlifting and contortion.

  • Level Up

    6-Week On-Demand weightlifting and flexibility programs for beginner and experienced lifters created by a Certified Personal Trainer and Mobility Specialist.

    If you’re new to lifting, this is how you start.

  • Mini Class Membership

    Add a customized touch to your Level Up program…

    Working on something specific? This on demand class library includes classes like “Needle Scale Prep”, “Shoulder Flexibility Troubleshooting”, “Barbell Deadlift Troublehsooting”, “Cheststand Regressions”, and more.

    The perfect supercharger to Level Up, or any training program.

Get strength and flexibility results that you can feel.

“It seems that everyone-and-their-dog is offering some type of lifting program, but they all seem to miss the mark for movement artists.

I had been searching for literal years for a lifting program that would *compliment* my pole and corde lisse hobby/fitness practice, with some glute building added in. Jen Crane suggested I check out Britta, and ohmygosh, the angels from the heavens sung ("Ahhhhhh") as I scrolled her free content on her IG page.  Within an hour I was buying her Level Up! program. 

When I opened the program I was super pleased with the layout of it. It's not just some lame list of exercises parading as a "program." There is a prescribed and purposeful structure to the workouts, including instructional videos. I'm actually excited to go to the gym to do the program because it is actually helping to improve my pole and aerial practice instead of hindering it.”

-Shay V, Pole Dancer, Utah, USA

Meet Your Coach

Based in Vancouver, WA, USA, Britta Paulin is a Strength and Flexibility Coach who specializes in sport-specific cross-training for movement artists, pole dancers, and aerialists.